Updates - 2021

December Product Distribution:

On December 16, 2021 we donated over 4,600 hygiene products to CAREavan located in Union City, California. This program provides families or individuals who have been displaced and temporarily unhoused with a safe place to park. We’re beyond grateful for all of the volunteers that helped spread the word for this donation distribution to occur and for CAREavan for taking our donations.

An eagle eye view of our team at the Senior Center, where products for the CAREavan project were dropped off!

December Holiday Donation Drive:

Throughout the month of December in 2021 we had volunteers go door-to-door to ask neighbors if they would like to donate any unopened hygiene products. All products that were gathered were donated to the Bay Area’s Women’s shelter. The amount of products that were collected was 2,100 products.

Christopher High School’s Donation:

While having our 2021 Winter Donation Drive, we were able to partner with Christopher High School. The high school aided with our drive as we were able to connect with their activity director and collect more unopened products. Pictures are below!

Hygiene products from our annual winter donation drive!

Christopher High School representatives meeting our co-founders to drop off products!

October Awareness Fair:

On October 16th, 2021 we were invited by Union City Library to attend their Awareness fair. This was our first in person event open to ALL! At the fair we presented all about organization and the different ways the community can contribute. A few of our officers participated at our booth to personally tell individual stories, stories about our organization, explaining how to get involved, and even sell our stickers.

Tabling at Union City Library’s Awareness Fair!

September Product Distribution:

On September 24th, 2021, we donated care packages to the Castro Valley High School. In these care packages contained tons of hygiene and menstrual products for students in need. Castro Valley High School’s activity director, Mr. Thomas Maloney, graciously allowed us the opportunity to donate to the school and we are beyond grateful.


Our team at Castro Valley High School!

September Official IRS Approval:

We are officially a federally approved non-profit organization! We received our approval from the IRS on September 1st, 2021. Our team is beyond excited about all the new possibilities and opportunities we can explore now and we can’t wait to bring you along on our journey!

July Care Package Event:

With the products we raised from our July Donation Drive, we decided to hold an internal (team-only) care package event. Due to coronavirus risks and precautions, we limited this event to only our official officer team, who can be found on our About Us page. Masks were worn at all times and gloves were used while making care packages. We made more than 120 care packages and the remaining products are being donated in October 2021 to a separate shelter. The care packages will be given to a school for their students; we are currently setting up exactly which school we will donate to. Below are some pictures of our care packages!


July Donation Drive:

We launched our second ever donation drive on July 14, 2021. We once again collected various menstrual and other hygiene products, including pads, tampons, masks, and hand sanitizers. Our donation drive lasted from July 30th to August 1st. After tallying the products, we raised an impressive 3410 hygiene products, which totals to about $2096.41! Huge thank you to everyone who supported our cause and donated. We couldn’t have done this without you. Below are some pictures of the products we collected!


June Yogurtland Fundraiser:

On June 25, 2021, we held a fundraiser at Yogurtland in Fremont, CA. We raised about $50 from the fundraiser and all money raised is going towards buying more products for our product distributions in the coming months. Follow our Instagram page (located at the top of this page) to see more updates and pictures on our fundraisers!

June Sticker Orders:

We launched our ongoing sticker fundraiser on June 14, 2021 to raise money for menstruators struggling to receive sufficient menstrual products. The sticker designs are shown above. Stickers are still on sale! If you’re interested in buying, please go to tinyurl.com/TPPstickerorders. Thank you for your support!

May Sticker Design Contest:

From May 11 to June 2, we held a sticker design contest where members of the organization or those who were interested in getting involved could send in their sticker designs. We looked for the stickers designs that best represented our organization as a whole and also the events we have conducted in the past while choosing the stickers. Thank you to everyone who applied; we appreciate your involvement and designs! Our official winner of the contest is Aryel Zhang (Instagram: @aryelbruh)! Below are her two sticker ideas that were chosen. Keep a lookout for our soon-to-come sticker order form - we’re going to be selling stickers soon!

Sticker Design #1

Sticker Design #1

Sticker Design #2

Sticker Design #2

May Distribution:

On May 28, 2021, The Pink Project donated 440 high-quality pads and 160 sanitary wipes to the Berekely Food and Housing Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping their community by providing temporary housing located in Berkeley, California. We had a pleasure meeting all the members of the organization and learning about their cause. Although we could not explore the facility due to Covid-19 precautions, their cause is so admirable and if you want to check them out, click here. Below are pictures from our distribution!

Our founders, Meghana and Mihika, with members of the Berkeley Food and Housing Project

Our founders, Meghana and Mihika, with members of the Berkeley Food and Housing Project

Sanitary wipes donated at distribution

Sanitary wipes donated at distribution

Pads donated at distribution

Pads donated at distribution

May School Seminar

We held our second informational seminar virtually on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, over Zoom! We partnered with Itliong Vera Cruz Middle School, located in Union City, California. Because we had a slightly different audience this time (middle schoolers), we ensured that our presentation was simple to understand and easy to follow along with. The seminar lasted around 30 minutes and we took the help of our volunteers to host this seminar. Overall, the event was an amazing opportunity for us and we were thrilled to have widened our audience and taught more people about period poverty.

April Library Seminar

We held out first informational library seminar on April 19th, 2021 over Zoom! We partnered with Newark Library located in Newark, California, and invited two guest speakers from a global organization dedicated to battling period poverty. Damaris Perada and Anusha Singh, both national program coordinators from PERIOD, presented about period poverty, its effects, and why period poverty is an enormous problem. If you would like to access the slideshow from the library seminar, please contact us through our email and we would be happy to send it to you. Thank you to everyone who attended; this wouldn't have been possible without you!

April Distribution

We held our second distribution drive on April 12th, 2021, and distributed all the products collected from the donation drive held at the end of March 2021 to the Women’s Daytime Drop-In Center located in Berkeley, California. We donated 3922 sanitary products to the shelter, which is equal to approximately $1075.12! Our founders also had a chat with the manager of the shelter, who showed the wonderful shelter to us and talked about how they have been operating during the pandemic. There will be a blog being featured on our website about the Women’s shelter in Berkeley, so keep an eye out for that!

Pictures Below:

Mihika Balaji (Left), Dawn Sagorski (Manager of Shelter; Center) and Meghana Hariprasad (Right)

Mihika Balaji (Left), Dawn Sagorski (Manager of Shelter; Center) and Meghana Hariprasad (Right)

Women’s Daytime Drop-In Shelter in Berkeley, CA

Women’s Daytime Drop-In Shelter in Berkeley, CA

All Products Collected From the Donation Drive

All Products Collected From the Donation Drive

March Donation Drive:

We hosted our first-ever hygiene product donation drive from Saturday, March 20th to Sunday, March 28th. Head to our Events page if you want to read more about how the donation drive worked. We received 20 donations and bags filled with a variety of products. The exact number of each product is yet to be counted and we will be updating our website with what we will be doing with the products we received. Thank you to everyone who donated!

February GoFundMe Launch

We launched our first GoFundMe as an official organization on February 21st and received our first donations on that day. Through this, we raised $331 out of our $500 goal. Because GoFundMe takes a small portion of the money (3%), we actually raised $318.68! This money is being budgeted for our future distributions.

February Nonprofit Organization Launch!

In the month of February, specifically February 16th, our founders decided to turn their idea into an organization and began the legal process of becoming an official nonprofit organization. We are still in the process to this day, but we have come much closer to achieving a 501c3 status!