I Support The Girls Blog

Volunteers Helping to Make Kits at ISupportTheGirls Headquarters

Volunteers Helping to Make Kits at ISupportTheGirls Headquarters

DASH (Dignity, Aid, Security, and Hygiene) Kits That Were Made In Response to the Demand for Period Products During the Pandemic

DASH (Dignity, Aid, Security, and Hygiene) Kits That Were Made In Response to the Demand for Period Products During the Pandemic

By: Sagel Provancher

Published: April 29, 2021

I Support the Girls (ISTG) is a nonprofit based in Maryland dedicated to collecting and distributing essential items like bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products. Since being founded in 2015 by Dana Marlowe, ISTG has continued growing to have affiliates in multiple countries and millions of products distributed. 

After the Pandemic began last March in 2020, ISTG saw a 35% increase in product requests. Since then, they have been working tirelessly to provide products to organizations after many people got laid off and grocery stores were sold out. In response, they put off creating a new website and put all efforts in to product collection and distribution. Shipments of products began going out weekly instead of monthly as it had previously, and ISTG had to put many people on waiting lists due to the lack of supplies. In October of 2020, they launched their DASH (Dignity, Aide, Safety, Hygiene) Kit Program, which includes a three-month supply of menstrual products where recipients can choose tampons, pads or a mix, or a menstrual cup. Three pairs of underwear, three bras, various toiletries, a tote bag, a mask, an info card with domestic violence resources, and a pen are also included in the flat rate USPS box.

In order to keep up with the higher demand for products after collection events were canceled, ISTG and its volunteers had to come up with some creative ways to collect products. This included Amazon wishlists, contactless drop-off, and virtual donation drives to keep everyone safe and follow covid restrictions. Now, after a year of no one allowed at in-person events and limited volunteering, ISTG is beginning to have small groups of volunteers again, with hopes of being able to return to “normal” soon. 

To learn more about I Support the Girls, visit iSupportTheGirls.org or check out their Instagram @isupportthegirls.

Image and Blog Sources: isupportthegirls.org