Transgender Day of Visibility 2022

By: Harshini Jayaprakash

Published: June 5, 2022


Thursday, March 31 marked the 13th annual international Transgender Day of Visibility. Trans Day of Visibility was founded by transgender activist Rachel Crandall, who was inspired by the fact that there was no holiday in existence dedicated to honoring the achievements and contributions of transgender people. The day celebrates the resilience and success of trans and gender-nonconforming individuals and raises awareness about their rights. Although the day has passed, it is still vital to recognize and assist the struggles that the transgender and gender-nonconforming communities face. 

Menstruation is not exclusive to women. 

Not all women menstruate and not all menstruators are women. Some transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals who menstruate can feel alienated and may avoid purchasing them all together when menstrual products are categorized as “women’s products.” The hurdles some trans men and gender-nonconforming people who menstruate endure include; the high cost of period supplies, lack of access to the products, safety concerns, and inadequate medical care. The cost and taxation of menstruation products could disproportionately affect transgender people, as they experience poverty and unemployment at higher rates in comparison to cis-gendered individuals.

Importance and Influence: 

Trans Day of Visibility is crucial as intolerance, hate, and harassment the transgender community has faced have been rampant for decades. The stigma around trans people still effectively clouds their contributions. It is crucial to raise awareness about the work that still must be done for trans justice.

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