Women’s History Month - 2021

By: Shekinah TaylorPublished: March 31, 2021Overview :The month of March is dedicated to highlighting the contributions remarkable women have made that have shaped society and allowed it to progress. All throughout history and even in the present-da…

By: Shekinah Taylor

Published: March 31, 2021

Overview :

The month of March is dedicated to highlighting the contributions remarkable women have made that have shaped society and allowed it to progress. All throughout history and even in the present-day, women often do not receive the recognition they deserve for their initiatives and instead are dismissed. In March we acknowledge the women from the past who did not listen to the status quo and curated a path for change, the women today who are making an impact whether it be in politics or science, and the women in our lives who influence us daily.

History :

Women’s history week actually came as a precursor for Women’s history month. In 1978, women rallied together and organized to celebrate women’s history in the week that corresponded with March 8th, international women’s day. This idea became supported by several communities around the U.S and many people began to celebrate women’s history week the following year. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter officially declared the week of March 8th as National Women’s History Week. This commemoration subsequently led to Congress passing the Public Law 100-9 which proclaimed March as Women’s History Month.

Importance and Influence :

Since many women’s accomplishments have often been overlooked, having time to learn about them and their impact is vital for keeping society from moving backward. The change many historical women pushed for is what helps so women today be able to pursue almost anything. Despite past women’s significant influences, women today are still not done advocating for change. Being influenced and using historical women’s persistence as inspiration, women today continue to fight for the equity and progression of our society.

Image Source: yourdream.liveyourdream.org

Blog Sources: womenshistory.org and history.com